To combat this, make sure you have multiple weapons that carry an assortment of elemental effects, so you can switch to a different gun, if you need to. Play as four all-new character classes while. For instance, a bandit that shoots corrosive bullets will likely shrug off any corrosive damage done to him. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a new role-playing shooter in the critically acclaimed Borderlands series. The problem with these elemental effects is how many enemies later in the game are immune to different attacks. And the new Cryo effect will, naturally, freeze your enemies in place. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses incendiary damage is good against human enemies, while shock damage is good against shields, for instance. You can deal shock, incendiary, explosive, corrosive, and new to the Pre-Sequel, Cryo damage. Don't get too attached to your gunsĮach gun you find will likely have several different attributes (as long as it's uncommon or better), but one thing you want to keep in mind is the elemental status effects it can inflict on enemies.

Oxygen vents, air bubbles, and O2 tanks can be found everywhere though, so it's never a huge inconvenience, but it'll catch you unaware if you're not careful. Elite, my ass Pre-sequel overall has a different feel than Borderlands 2 for a number of reasons (music/visual design is very different, story-line is arguably darker, certain elements of gameplay which I'll get into later, etc.) but it holds up overall such that if you enjoyed BL2, you should also enjoy TPS. This is a pretty accurate weapon with 10 freezing chance and 86.7. It has a clip size of 48 and reloads in 2.1 seconds. Run out, and you'll watch your air levels slowly deplete. Analytical Fatale is a Level-25 SMG with 118 base damage and 97.3 accuracy. That said, you need to watch your oxygen levels, as your jump pack uses a little each time you decide to boost.

The verticality adds a whole new element to Borderlands' combat, and use it whenever you can. You'll also find jump pads strewn about that'll launch you even higher than you could get normally. The further away from the left-hand margin a side mission is indicates that the mission directly above it must be completed before it becomes. Side missions are bullet-listed and highlighted in italic text. Story missions are numbered and highlighted in bold text. Clamber to the top of buildings for vantage points, leap over your foes and shoot them in the face, or slam down on the ground with a well-timed butt slam. There are 73 missions available in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, excluding DLC. Double-jumping isn't just a great way to maneuver through the various environments, it's also a fantastic opportunity to change up your shooting strategy. The biggest addition to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is Elpis' low-gravity atmosphere, and you should take advantage of it as much as you can.